Carbo Loading
A dietary practice that increases carbohydrate reserves in muscle tissue through the consumption of extra quantities of high-starch foods which leads our body to store carbs in the form of glycogen ( in the liver and muscle tissue) and is often follower by some endurance athletes prior to competition.
Carbo loading increases delay in muscle fatigue by 20% and improves performance by.
It may be effective in events lasting more than 90 minutes, but it’s probably unnecessary for shorter durations.
While doing C.L cut of fat intake is recommended to keep calories intake in place, as:
1g of carbs-4kcal
1g of fat -9 kcal’s

Due to the newest research consuming more then 600g of CH/day has no additional effects
There are 3 main regime of Carbo loading

Pre-competition nerves can result in:
* Appetite reduction
* Nausea
* Diarrhea
* Stomach cramps
* Consume liquid meals if too hard to consume solid foods
* Consume liquid meals if too hard to consume solid foods
* Consume bland food
* Avoid high-fibre foods-bran, cereals, dried fruit, pulses
* Avoid veg which can cause flatulencebrassica vegetables
* Caffeine can cause anxiety and problems like diarrhea P

Rest and recovery is essential part of any workout routine .Your after-exercise recovery routine has a big impact on your fitness gains and sports performance and allows you to train much more I will focus on nutrition side of recovery process.Which along with your stretch, relax and good night sleep will help you in speedy and complete recovery.
Strategies to maximize fueling straight after the competitions:
* Start consuming CHO soon after the session finishes
* Aim for a recovery snack/meal providing CHO equal to
~50g CHO for 50kg female (equivalence of 2 bananas)
~80g CHO for 80kg male (equivalence of 2 oranges and 1 banana)
* Continue with snacks, drinks or meals to achieve a CHO target of 1g/kg/bw per hour for first 4 hours of recovery
* Resume an eating pattern after the 4 hours that meets overall fuel and energy goals
Guidelines for recovery protein synthesis
* Consume a high-quality protein-rich food providing ~20-25g soon after exercise
* Plan snacks and meals to suit energy needs and other nutritional goals that incorporates this optimal protein serve every 3-5 hours
* Include a protein-rich snack or meal before bed to allow protein synthesis to remain optimized overnight
Sports foods/supplements providing 10g protein:
* 15-20g high-protein powder
* 120-150ml liquid supplement meal
* 20-30g high protein sports bar Liquid based, high in whey foods:
* Milk, flavoured milk, milk shakes, dairy/fruit smoothies
* Yogurt
* Whey-based protein drinks
* Liquid meal supplements
There is no doubt that carbs and proteins are key factors in recovery proces, but if we looking speedy and complete recovery what we often forgetting is rehydration and potassium and sodium losses
Strategies for recovery hydration
* Have a supply of fluids on hand that are palatable, suited to conditions and suited to recovery needs of the athlete
* Have a planned fluid intake based on the deficit that needs to be replaced during the session
* Start to consume fluids son after the session finishes and aim to consume target volume over the next 2-4 hours
* Replace electrolytes lost in sweat at the same time as consuming fluids.
* Choose fluids with added electrolytes or by consuming salt-rich foods.
* Avoid excessive intake of alcohol since this is counter-productive to recovery. Has a diuretic effect also
Post exercise rehydration
* Sodium losses in sweat vary significantly
Typical sweat losses range:
* 20-80mmol/L
* Post exercise recovery drink: ~50mmol/L
Sports drinks: 10-25mmol/L R
* Sodium level of 90mmol/L
* Oral rehydration solutions used in treatment of diarrhea-induced dehydration